As Every Hello Ends with a Goodbye..

Time always move forward, sometimes its going so slow and hurt but when you are not realized or even notice it went so fast. No matter how awful the hello was, the goodbye is always gonna be sad. Be it in a relationship, university life, or in my case my weekend travel activity. Two weeks ago marked the last of my official program as the Gyeonggi Tourism Board Student Ambassador, GG Supporters, I’m lucky enough to meet some awesome people from across the world through this program.

Creating Memories - Day trip to Avenue France, Gwangyeo Bridge Park and Cafe Street

Precious and Memories, two words that have long been synonymously co-existed. We tend to remember the bad more then the good one, but for me everytime i travel i want to make my trip as fun as possible (it not always good) but i tried to make every moment last as a good one.

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress 수원 화성 - An Unesco Heritage Sites

If you visit Suwon, you can experience lots of things made by King Jungjo in the Joseon Dynasty. One of it was Suwon Hwaseong Fortress which constructed for honouring his father Crown Prince Sado. 
